At the time of writing this update, we continue to live in uncertain times, with the heightened alert on the Coronavirus pandemic.
At Cotton Family, we recognise the impact the current lockdown requested by the Government is having on our daily lives and wellbeing. It is a unique challenge to say the least.
So what are we doing to help?
Our focus now is to provide you a virtual service where services such as life coaching in weight loss or, dealing with challenges at home can be accessed online in a virtual manner.
We are also looking at bringing people together in an online community so that topics such as challenges in home schooling can be discussed between contributors and ourselves.
Whilst these times are challenging, we believe it will teach us life skills we haven't experienced before, from resilience to recognition and of course, making the most of our lives in unprecedented times.
Please keep visiting for regular updates, and feel free to contribute via our comments below.