Family CPR Course
What is CPR?
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is a procedure that combines chest compressions with ventilation in an effort to manually preserve brain function in an emergency situation.
Is it important to know how to conduct CPR?
The most accredited benefit CPR can give you is the ability to save a life, whether it be someone in the street or your family. If you are not familiar with what a cardiac arrest looks like, or someone in the family suffers from a heart condition, you will benefit from taking our CPR course.
Our CPR Course for Families
At Cotton Family, we believe the best approach to learn this valuable and life-saving skill is to physically practice CPR in a safe and friendly environment.
Our course is built on the combination of years of experience by our professionally trained nurses' who are active in the Accident and Emergency departments across Kent using technologically advanced visually-guided mannikin's that provides feedback on your compression performance.
Our course at a glance:
The key principles to CPR
Defibrillator training
CPR training for Babies, Children and Adults
Identifying Cardiac Arrest in Babies, Children and Adults
Building the confidence to conduct CPR
Plus so much more.
Book Your Course
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30 British pounds
Our CPR for families course can be busy at times, so book your course today to gain a skill that could save a life. Have any questions? You can contact us here.