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Easter's coming!
Chocolately times ahead!

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At Cotton Family Hub, we're all about health and wellbeing for families in the local community.

Check out our Baby Massage and Baby Yoga sessions, as well as our Family CPR course. More coming soon!

Baby Massage Course by Cotton Family, Ashford

Baby Massage

Touch happens to be the most developed, and important communication tool between you and your baby, creating the foundations for a stronger bond. A daily massage can bring your baby stimulation, relaxation, relief and development. 

Take a look at our accredited IAIM UK baby massage course here.

Baby Yoga

Suitable for babies from 8 weeks old, our baby yoga courses offer lots of positive benefits. From building core strength, using the moro reflex, and working on diagonal coordination, to extending contact with parents & babies and teaching mums & dads to breathe. 

Baby Yoga

Family CPR Course

It only takes 3-4 minutes for someone to become brain dead due to the lack of oxygen in their brain. 

If you are not familiar with what a cardiac arrest looks like in someone in critical need, have you thought about taking a CPR course?


New course coming soon: Foundations for the Future

It's a 12-week online coaching programme designed to empower children to make the best choices in life and understand and be themselves.

Our Upcoming Courses

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My Special Powers of the Universe 

A childrens book authored by Elisabeth Fairbairn that teaches the importance of beliefs, mentorship, persistence and awareness to gain a positive outlook and become emotionally resilient in today's challenging world.

Available now on Amazon.

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